It's been awhile since my last post. I'd been dicking around( Correct with different word if offensive.) with flash animation for a while, but the coding... The coding made me rip out my hair.
So, with that chapter of experimentation done, I get back into the Plow, as I begin to look for more unique rhythms and tunes.
Not shure if anyone at all reads my posts, but, if you do; Please; For the Love of the Unholy Deites, HELP ME FIND A DAMNED GIF PIC FOR PERONAL BANNER. 0-0;;
It's keeling me, looking for one, I tellz juu. All the ones I already have, are too big, And I don't touch Photoshop. So help meh. 0-0;
~Teh Monstaer of Musical Maelstrom
Killua. o-o