I've gotten back tot he Mixing board, and I've churned out more tunes that I hope you sleep-dance to like I have, And hopefully, you'll like them. So, I'm going to send them in, You churn out those votes!
Now For some Legal stuffs.
All of my work, is either re-mixed tunes I ripped and fixed from either sound packs, or samples of sounds from popular or famous tracks made by main-streamed artists in America, New England, And other countries I've long since forgotten he name of. I've been accused of stealing by someone idiot from 4-chan while I was in Combat Arms on Nexon, Being told about how I stole " Muses on Acid ", which is a Killua Epic Original.
,; Sigh, Drag on Weed. <: I ask you all tell me directly, either at my NG page in comments, Private messages, or by sending me the info of when, where, and any other information of where you may hear something that may be my work.
Now, for the files and samples I do rip from things, I Am NOT claiming the original audio or works of a known or unknown artist as my own. I don't need to steal, I got Imagination. And I only use Sound packets for Fruity Loops 9, and samples from my tracks that I make. I do claim that the work produced of the audio I've used as my work, but I don't claim to be the person that made the sounds, because I'm not scriptor-1337, D00Dz,and I don't roll that way, Homiez.
That being said, I am still looking for a Gif. File to have as a personalized Image for me, something to the effect of the Picture I have when you all visit my user page. I can't pay you, but I will appreciate it if you'd design a siggie like the I have as my Siggie now, combined with the image of User Page Pic, to make a unique Siggie, and a matching Gif. to match while I'm doing posts in the BBS, or reviews on Newgrounds, like the gawdly good person I Ish. Because I love you all,e ven though I don't know many of you. Or all in that matter. Nevertheless, I put this request out there.
Much Luv'ing to Juu allz.
~ Tyreal.